Barton Seagrave Parish Council

  • View from Barton Seagrave cricket field
    View of Barton Seagrave from the cricket field
  • Barton Seagrave Parish photo of Castle field in the mist
    Castle field in the mist
  • Barton Seagrave Stirrup Cup
    The Stirrup Cup
  • Barton Seagrave Parish Photo of St Botolphs Church
    St Botolph's Church
  • Barton Seagrave Parish sign to nearby places
    Local places
  • Barton Seagrave Church at dusk

Welcome to the Barton Seagrave Parish Website!

Our website serves the Parish of Barton Seagrave and allows parish council documents and information to be easily accessed online

We hope you find the website easy to use and that it helps you to keep connected to the activities of your Parish Council and the local community.

Please get in touch if you have any suggestions about how we might improve the website.

Parish Council Meetings

Barton Seagrave War Memorial(Meeting dates are the second Thursday of the month except August, subject to change. Meetings begin at 7pm)

We are keen for you to get involved with your Parish Council! We invite you to attend as many meetings as possible so that you can contribute to and influence the development of your local community.

Residents can speak for up to 15 minutes at the beginning of each meeting (no notice needed). They can also speak for 3 minutes on agenda items, however the Clerk needs at least 24 hours notice. Contact details of the Clerk are: Debbie Egan , 07840702110, You can also send a message via the website contact form

Details of the agenda and minutes of the previous meeting will be posted on the village board and also on the website here

A Little Bit About Barton Seagrave

Barton Seagrave is located near Kettering in Northamptonshire.

We have approximately 5500 registered electors

The area of parish is 2.10 sq. km/0.81 sq. miles

The nature of the parish is urban with the original village clustered round the parish church with mainly post WWII development forming the rest of the community.

Places of Interest

There are a number of places of interest within the Parish, these include:

  • St. Botolph’s Parish Church;
  • the Pocket Park managed by the Parish Council
  • Gray’s Field recreation area.
  • Just outside the parish is the renown Wicksteed Park.


The amenities available in the Parish include:

  • Barton Seagrave Primary School
  • Viillage hall offering a number of rooms for hire for clubs, community groups, business meetings, weddings and family events
  • Latimer Arts College
  • Church
  • Entertainment
  • Pub
  • Happy Hands Nursery adjacent to the Village Hall


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