Parish Council Meeting

When: 07/09/23 @ 7:00 pm

The Parish Council meets in the village hall every 2nd Thursday from 7.00pm, excluding August. Members of the public are welcome and there is a public session at the start of the meeting, where issues and concerns can be raised…

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Parish Council Meeting

When: 05/12/19 @ 7:00 pm

The Parish Council meets in the village hall every 2nd Thursday from 7.00pm, excluding August.Members of the public are welcome and there is a public session at the start of the meeting, where issues and concerns can be raised with…

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When: 19/07/19 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Where: Kendal LA9, UK

Something good is happening in kendal today, just so you all know

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Parish Council Meeting

When: 12/10/23 @ 7:00 pm

The Parish Council meets in the village hall every 2nd Thursday from 7.00pm, excluding August. Members of the public are welcome and there is a public session at the start of the meeting, where issues and concerns can be raised…

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