Responsibilities & Organisation

Local councils are the first tier of governance and are the first point of contact for anyone concerned with a community issue. They are democratically elected local authorities and exist in England, Wales and Scotland. The term ‘local council’ is synonymous with ‘parish council’, ‘town council’ and ‘community council’. 

Our Parish Council exists to represent the interests of the whole Barton Seagrave community. The current Council is non-party political and is made up of Parish Councillors who are local residents.

Parish Councillors serve a four year term. People on the electoral role can be co-opted on to the Parish Council if there are insufficient candidates at an election for all the seats to be filled or if a vacancy occurs during a four-year term. For more information please see the Role of a Parish Councillor page

All local councils are legally obliged to hold at least one meeting a year.  Except in certain circumstances (Public Bodies [Admission to Meetings] Act 1960) council meetings are open to the public. In addition to this, any committees or sub-committees dealing with specific subjects must also hold regular open sessions, at which members of the public can speak. District councillors can attend parish meetings to report back to the district on developments at parish level. County, unitary and metropolitan councillors are also invited to attend parish meetings when the parish council feels it is appropriate, and they have a standing invitation to attend and report at the annual assembly.

The Parish Council’s main roles are to ensure that the delivery of services to meet local needs is maintained (and ideally enhanced) and that the quality of life in the community and the environment of the Parish are improved. While the Council performs a limited range of tasks at its own hand, these two main roles are exercised principally through advocacy with a number of local and regional organisations. To operate effectively, the Parish Council requires a small annual income and this is obtainable through an annual levy on each household known as the ‘Precept’¹. Details of other Parish Council powers and duties can be found here.

Listening to everyone’s concerns, needs and aspirations and having effective communication, within and beyond the Parish, goes to the heart of the Parish Council’s work. If this achieved then the the Council will be well placed to represent Barton Seagrave effectively in discussions and negotiations with other organisations, for example our MP, other service providers and neighbouring Parish Councils. The Parish Council, therefore, very much welcomes questions, opinions or concerns from parishioners and values their presence at its bi-monthly Parish Council meetings.

From time to time, other matters require the Parish Council’s attention, e.g. Health, Welfare, Education, Emergency Services, Emergency Planning, Environment, Countryside and Heritage Groups. In these matters, the Chairman of the Parish Council, in consultation with other members as appropriate, either deals with the matter or delegates responsibility.

The Parish Council employs a Parish Clerk. The Clerk provides professional advice and administrative support to ensure that the Council adheres to its legal requirements and implements decisions correctly. The Clerk is also the Council’s Responsible Financial Officer, administering its financial affairs in accordance with prescribed procedures.  For more information please see Role of the Parish Clerk

¹ The annual precept is agreed each year by the Parish Council and is the amount which it considers is needed to serve the needs of the Parish, including meeting its budgeted expenditure. The precept is the Parish Council’s share of the Council Tax collected and is separately itemised on Council Tax bills.

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